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Rebirth Charity Society is a NGO whose main goal is to develop life quality of substance abusers, the recovered as well as their families. In line with fulfilling this goal, Rebirth conducts various but integrated programs and interventions from specialized training and educating peer counsellors to work in the areas of treatment and harm reduction to advocacy, promotion and production of specialized content to affect policy makings and planning of addiction field at national, regional and international levels.

The main policy of Rebirth Society is trying for innovation and dynamic maintenance of the treatment and harm reduction field of addiction in the country and region. That is why, it tries to be sensitive towards the change trend of this field, to identify the present gaps and new demands and design and initiate innovative and more effective treatment and harm reduction interventions by using international successful experiences and applying experience and knowledge of the country experts and activists. Then, to develop and promote these new programs across the country, it seeks advocacy and negotiate with the government and activists of drug demand reduction field.

In addition, since 2009 due to the increase in the number of Afghan refugees in Iran, Rebirth by obtaining a license from the Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and with the cooperation of domestic and international donors such as UNHCR, regularly implements projects to empower refugees, improve their physical and mental health status and hold educational and vocational training courses.

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